Product Sponsorship Application
Thank you for contacting Strange Engineering in regards to your project vehicle.
Please note that Strange Engineering is currently not participating in monetary sponsorships of any kind. Any support provided would be limited to products and/or discount towards products that are manufactured by Strange Engineering.
Please download* and fill out the pdf application below in as much detail as possible so Strange Engineering can get an accurate portrayal of the project and its purpose. Then email it back to the address provided inside. Not all requests for product support will be consistent with the current direction of our marketing program and may be denied. Participation in the project will be carefully reviewed to determine the value of exposure versus the value of the products being requested. We will review and reply to your application as quickly as possible. Thank you.
Or you can use our Email Version
* Note some browsers view pdf files by default. Please download the form, fill it out then save it. Then please email it as an attachment to the address on the form.